AKB Horror Night: Adrenaline Nights, The Final Volume

I hope you've all had a tremendous year. It's been a little over one year since the beginning of this project (and actually longer behind the scenes), but we've managed to finally finish it! Here, we present to you, the final batch of episodes of AKB Horror Night: Adrenaline Nights.

Adrenaline no Yoru

I hope you've all enjoyed the episodes you've seen so far. It was a real goal for us to have this out to you by Halloween weekend. Now that all the episodes are available, we hope that you idol fans can spend this Halloween safe at home with a few friends watching some episodes of this series. Whether in person, or through online platforms, watching horror movies or shows with friends is always a fun time.

AKB Horror Night ep22-24,26-33,35-36,38-42
Mega | Aidoru-Online
Softsub Scripts

Take care, everyone! Have a terrifying Halloween night :)


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