GeGeGe no Kitaro 2007 ep2 (+ ep3v1-5v1 & ep6-45)

The yokai of the week is Gashadokuro / Rattling Skeleton / Rattling Skull
This project is now a joint with The Skaro Hunting Society. Nanto is really a lifesaver!

Also, we've talked with nis-aihara and we've decided to first work on ep46-52. That's why in this post, there's episodes 6-45 in which nis-aihara (with an old episode from Oedipus) have already English subtitled. They are ripped from We'll still work on eps 3-45 with our version once we've finished subtitling eps46-52 first (or at least we don't acquire the Japanese subtitles of the succeeding episodes of GeGeGe no Kitaro 2007 first).

Softsubbed FWVGA AVC 10-bit - Mega | Magnet
Softsubbed FWVGA HEVC 10-bit - Mega | Magnet
Hardsubbed FWVGA AVC 8-bit / Stream - Mega | Magnet
Softsub Script - MediaFire
xDelta3 Patch (of the Conan06 raw with CRC32 [CC7B2CDF]) - MediaFire
xDelta3 Patch (of the Enchibi raw with CRC32 [C5746B01]) - MediaFire

eps3-5 [OZ-SkewedS] v1 Hardsubbed FWVGA AVC 8-bit - Mega | Magnet
eps6-45 [nis-aihara & Oedipus (ep19)] Hardsubbed FWVGA AVC 8-bit - Mega | Magnet